Benign Gastrointestinal Conditions
- Author(s)
- Lim, WM; Lawrentschuk, N; Heriot, AG;
- Journal Title
- In: Goonewardene, S.S., Brunckhorst, O., Albala, D., Ahmed, K. (eds) Men’s Health and Wellbeing
- Publication Type
- Book section
- Abstract
- Gastrointestinal ailments are one of the most common presentations to primary care and emergency clinicians. Men tend to present late often due to high-risk behaviours leading to poorer health outcomes compared to their counterpart. This chapter will review common benign gastrointestinal conditions and highlight important relevance to men’s health.
- Publisher
- Springer International Publishing
- Department(s)
- Surgical Oncology; Laboratory Research
- Publisher's Version
- Terms of Use/Rights Notice
- Refer to copyright notice on published article.
Creation Date: 2025-01-17 07:00:21
Last Modified: 2025-01-17 07:03:10